What Other King Leaves His Throne?

I think the past few weeks have been the gut punch heard around the world for everyone. Just in the last 21 days for myself, I needed to tell my team (who was supposed to be here for 6 months) that their trip was ending three months early and we needed to send them home due to coronavirus. Two days later they were all on flights home to the U.S. Then, after not being home in three months, I needed to quarantine myself away from my house and the people I love to protect others and myself just in case. South Africa then announced that it would go on a 21-day lockdown period which just was extended two more weeks. Now, nobody can leave the house. Suddenly, life came to a halt and it knocked the breath out of me for a while. And that’s just my small story.

All around the world, we are hearing about the death toll, elderly people who are isolated and can’t see their families. People are sick from coronavirus that is spreading at rapid rates. People are losing their jobs and homes. Many are lonely and stuck without people they love. Businesses are closing and going bankrupt. Some countries need to build mass graves because so many people are dying. To many, it’s been earth shattering. Comforts have been taken away. Security has been shaken. Life won’t be the same. 

But I don’t want this post to be about coronavirus and what it’s taken from so many people. Instead, I want to share where my hope lies. I want to share why, even though life feels so uncertain, we can look to the future with hope and expectancy. 

A few days ago, I was listening to a song and reading my bible. I’ve heard this song many times. But for the first time, the lyrics jumped out of my phone. The song is, “This is Amazing Grace,” by Bethel Music and Jeremy Riddle (originally by Phil Wickam). During the bridge of the song, we hear the lyrics:  

“What other King leaves His throne? What other King leaves His glory to God?”  

The story of Jesus isn’t one that is a surprise to many. We know that Jesus came as the Son of God, lived a perfect life without sin, was sentenced to death and crucified in the most painful way on the cross. All for each one of us! I know that He has saved me. I know He came to save others. I know He is still working to this day and will be until He calls us home. This weekend we celebrate Easter and although this Easter will look different, the meaning is still the same. 

What other King leaves His throne? 

None. Because there is none like Jesus. If we think about other Kings in history, ruling was about power. Kings would go to war and fight each other for different Kingdoms and for ultimate authority. So what did Jesus do? 

He was born knowing He would die to save you and me and ultimately give glory to God. I want to weep just thinking about that because I know myself and I don’t feel worthy for anyone to die for me. 

But that’s exactly who Jesus is. He came for the sinners. He came for the murderers. He came for the abusers. He came for the prisoners. He came for the drunks. He came for the ones who do drugs. He came for the lost. He came for the abandoned. He came for the forgotten. He came for the sick. He came for the rich. He came for the poor. He came for you. He came for me. 

That truly is amazing grace. 

So even in this time when we’re uncertain about everything, there’s one thing we can be certain about: The King of Glory came down from heaven to take all of our sins and suffering on the cross so we can live our lives in honor of Him. Jesus. The name above all names is on our side. And with Him, darkness will not overcome. We don’t need to fight the battle that Jesus has already won by dying on the cross. We just need to remember all He has done for us. And one day, He will come again to take us home.

Trusting God in the unknown is hard but it’s where our faith deepens. Trust Him in the dark. Trust Him that joy will come in the morning because it did. And it will. And it does and Jesus will always be forever faithful. 

“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29 

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